Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Banoffee Pie

It's almost St. Patty's Day and this recipe comes from my sister who lives in Ireland. Apparently it is a popular dish over there.

Get a pre-baked pie crust (or bake one yourself...any variety should work).

Take 1 can (14oz) sweetened condensed milk and heat in a saucepan on med-high heat until it turns caramel/toffee like. I'm guessing you'll want to stir it constantly.

Pour the now toffee-like sweetened condesnsed milk into the pie crust.

On top of that layer some sliced bananas (sliced any way you want!)

Cover the entire thing with as much whipped cream as you want.

Refrigerate until chilled. Now you have Banoffee Pie. I'm going to make some this weekend!!!!


Anonymous said...

I wants a slice!!!!

Nicole said...

Yup - you can help me eat it!